Sean & Ethan Vaughn - Fathers Day Edition

Most anytime a parent and child train together at TRU taekwondo, the child starts first and then the parent joins in (not wanting to miss out on all the fun!). And that’s the case for Sean and Ethan. Ethan began Super Kids when he was just 4 years old after attending a TRU Birthday Party. Shortly after Ethan began training, his dad, Sean, joined as well. Over 5 years later and the father/son duo have consistently trained, worked hard, pushed, and worked side by side while at TRU. As an avid soccer player, Ethan loves knowing that taekwondo helps him in other sports. Ethan has noticed an improvement in his cardio, balance, flexibility , and strength. And Sean enjoys the cardio as well; “kicking is a huge stress relief after a long day”. And together, they are able to spend quality time together in class as well as practicing and motivating each other at home. And a big congrats to both Sean and Ethan - the two recently earned their black belts in October of 2020.

Sean and Ethan Vaughn, Father & Son / May 2021

Sean and Ethan Vaughn, Father & Son / May 2021